Sunday, May 20, 2012

It was Dr. Green in the Clinic with the Syringe

Thou shalt not kill. 

Many people say that this is the easiest commandment to follow, because it's already illegal to murder people right? 

On the contrary, in many cases and in many places it is perfectly legal to kill people. 

For example, capital punishment here in the USA as well as honor killings (such as those related to gang violence or Islam). 

In certain countries. Euthanasia, suicide and assisted suicide are perfectly legal. For instance, here in the USA, assisted suicide is legal in the states of Washington, Oregon, and Montana. This wicked act puts a price on life in terms of suffering, and instead of offering relief, offers permanent destruction of life. 

Perhaps the most deceptive of all mercy-killings is abortion. In an attempt to be "merciful" to the mother to whom a baby would be a burden physicians remove the life from the womb. It is deceptive because of the hidden nature of the act. It takes place right under our noses in clinics all across the world. In addition to that, the propaganda paid for by the abortion providers numbs unlearned listeners and readers of their natural detest for this unnatural and immoral act. That propaganda paints abortion as the only option for pregnant women who are surprised by a pregnancy that they did not "intend" to have, even though they themselves participated act of sexual relations with all its fecundity. However, giving birth to a child that depends on you is the correct option! Here in our society we are blessed with many programs to make an adoption process easier for you if the child should be in danger in your hands. 

So, "thou shalt not kill" is a a more difficult commandment than we all thought, because it happens right under our noses. We need to pray, and speak out against these evils so that we may not share in the blame for those horrid acts come judgement day. So that when the Lord asks you what you did to help those who depend on you the most in matters of life or death you can be prepared with an answer, do something today to defend life itself, the most beautiful gift that GOD has given to all of us! 

Monday, May 14, 2012


Monday's the start of a brand new work week, and despite of whatever you did in your last work week out there in this world which can seem dark and horrible, you mustn't look back on your past sins, but you must confess them and forget them. You  must never return to them. Enjoy this video.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


"Honor thy father and thy mother, that thou mayest be long-lived upon the land which the Lord thy God will give thee" 

Have you honored your parents, superiors, or masters according to your just duty?
Have you deceived them or disobeyed them?
Have you failed to respect the elderly?

For most of us in life, we always have someone to answer to. Whether it be our parents, teachers, bosses, leaders, bishops, abbots or abbesses must obey those to whom we owe due reverence. We must respect their experience. Their hard earned experience was gained from the number of times they've "been around the block " so to speak. Their experiences can be the key to living a happy life! LEARN WISDOM!

In the instance of parents, motherhood and fatherhood, are very important vocations. To be a mother or father involves every grain of your being.They are called to be mirror images of God's love.  We are called as sons and daughters to respect and love our parents as our natural caregivers and to respect everything that they do for us for the sake of their love for us. 

As Mothers Day and Fathers Day approach, show your parents that you appreciate them! Pray for them to your heavenly Father; saints like St. Gianna, St. Monica, and other parent saints, as well as ask for our heavenly mother, Mary's intercession. 

May God Bless our Parents and Superiors and may the Holy Spirit guide them in all that they do!